Mercer University OlaOcha O. Chinue talks with Emily Colon a MU student being a single parent and pursuing a path as an educator

OlaOcha Chinue: 2023-09-22 00:51:10 The interviewer has a conversational discussion with Emily, an aspiring teacher, about her passion for education. They cover her inspirations, goals as a woman of color, plans to engage students, anticipated challenges, the importance of work-life...

Greg Flood Seized Opportunities Leading Him to a Surprising Career Journey

Listen as Greg recounts his journey from French major to Broadway stagehand , Naval electrician to Math major and to a magazine ad that led him and his wife, Catherine, to a career in HR at the UN Food and...

Ann Bromberg delights with stories of her New York childhood and the joys and challenges of her creative artistry

Fabric artist, teacher, mother of three, Ann Bromberg says her creativity and zest for life stem from her childhood in New York City. Their mother introduced Ann and her older sister as young children to the nearby Brooklyn Botanic Garden...

Diego talks with Grandma about her life

Diego Aguilera Kelley, age 13, talks with his grandmother, Lovella Kelley, age 80. She tells him about growing up in western KS and her life experiences.

PY 220- StoryCorp Project- Emma James
September 25, 2022 App Interview

For PY 220, I conducted an interview for our StoryCorp project. I interviewed an nuclear power plant workers and got his perspective from his experience and thoughts on nuclear energy.

What do soup and love have in common?

Karin Weichlein and Bob Rider relate the romantic story of how they met and conducted a trans-Atlantic relationship which led to marriage and thirty years of happiness. Making soup is a poetic metaphor for their courtship and marriage.