Jahaziel Hiriart and Lizette Merchan

Jahaziel Hiriart (33) y su mentora, Lizette Merchan [edad no dada], comparten una conversación sobre sus experiencias al emigrar a los Estados Unidos de América, los desafíos que han enfrentado, y lo que les ha dado la fuerza para continuar...

Paloma Saucedo and Boris Ozuna Urueta

Friends and colleagues Paloma Saucedo (41) and Boris Ozuna Urueta (37) discuss where they grew up, their experiences as immigrants, and their work in social justice.

Chuck Corra and Nicolas Cadena

Chuck Corra (29) and Nicolas Cadena (26) speak about the ways their backgrounds have informed their political views, and share their thoughts on community dynamics and the way personal context is needed to understand the identity that drives community attitudes.