being 22 and 23

This interview is private.

Talking about John, Joan, and Rich

stories about dad's brother John, hanging out with Joan Baez in Boston, and college fraternity

Charlotte Kellar and Ann Reinhard

Charlotte Kellar (92) talks to her friend, Ann Reinhard (48) about growing up in the Bronx, and getting interested in acting and writing later in her life. Charlotte and Ann also talk about how they met through DOROT’s Friendly Visiting...

Story telling interview
September 11, 2023 App Interview

Interviewer: Kaley  Interviewee: Carsen

Interview with Danielle Green 05/10

Got real talking about Danielle’s experiences moving, starting college, and some people that have made big impacts on who she is today.

Thanksgiving 2018

College shenanigans 1969-1970 in Ann Arbor, MI.

First year at college.

An interview about my friend and hiw she made it to college.

interviewing my sister about life

I talk to my sister about us as sisters, her college life and our family

Sheila Smith and Dana White

Sheila Smith is interviewed by her daughter, Dana White about her ex husband, Damon White, his death, and being a single parent and raising two.

Krista Hirschmann and Kevin Rodowicz

Krista Hirschmann, 36, was interviewed by her husband, Kevin Rodowicz, 37. Krista told the story of the beginning of their “courtship” at college which Kevin initiated as a four-month mystery to be solved by Krista. They also talked about their...