Lluvias De Bendiciones

In this interview I interviewed my mom about her experience in Honduras and the process she went through the border. We get a little input on her personal life in Honduras as well as how the experience of her crossing...


My name is Adriana Palma, I am sixteen years old and i am recording this from Los Angeles , California. My interviewee is my sister Andrea Palma. In this interview I asked my sister questions about how her childhood and...

Advice About Life

Daughter (Savannah) and father (Hector) discuss his childhood, father, and his thoughts on life.

Interview with Nora Maldonado. November 27,2017

We talked mostly about her early life and teen life and some of her marriage

The journey

My mother has been through a lot with migrating to this country and raising five kids

Dad’s music experience
November 29, 2019 App Interview

I talk to my father about how music has changed during his lifetime. Being from Honduras, I think he has a very unique take on it, and he provided some interesting responses to my questions


Ministry stories of the amazing people of Honduras during Hurricane Mitch


I interviewed my mom about growing up in Honduras, going to school in Boston, and her early relationship with my dad.


We was talking about how she was growing and how was her life style.

Family History

We talked about all of the stories my grandfather and him did. We also talked about family tradition and faith about how faith holds us all together.

Jenny Thomas and Tim Tapscott

One Small Step partners Tim Tapscott (57) and Jenny Thomas (45) have a conversation about abortion, immigration, and the upcoming election.

The Neutral Interview

So, with this interview, I let my brother express himself about his childhood for the first few questions. With that, he describes how exactly he lived in Honduras and also, how his parents were like too. Between that, he also...

Betty Hockett and Steve Hockett

Steve Hockett and his mother Betty, age 90 who is on Providence hospice share family recollections of Betty's many missionary trips overseas to developing countries and the influence in her early life of reading and how being a prolific writer...

Interview with my mom

This interview is with my mom asking her about her childhood mostly and how she’s come to be a mother.

“I felt like I was cheated out of my childhood”

The topic of deportation is something that’s talked about on the daily by many, but no one knows how it actually feels for a loved one that’s forcefully taken away from their home after having made a life for themselves...

Hank Ebert and Maione Carrijo

Hank Ebert (64) interviews his wife Maione Carrijo (58) about her life in Brazil before she married him and moved to Idaho. Maione then interviews Hank about his unique upbringing as the child of diplomats, living in various countries from...

Journey to America

I interview my mom about her experience and journey coming to the United States and how her life was changed when she got here.

Talking About The Interesting Life My Mother Has Experienced.

She shared some memories about her sisters and brothers and growing up in Honduras. We talked about our ancestors and her parents and grandparents. She described the overjoyed feeling of her finding out about her pregnancy.She shared a beautiful saying...

Story corps interview assignment

This interview talks a lot about how my Mom’s childhood was like, and how she felt about it. Not much but it’s something.