Dolores Sheff and Nancy Jones

One Small Step conversation partners Dolores Sheff (63) and Nancy Jones (70) discuss voting for different parties, but sharing many common interests and opinions around being compassionate towards others, education, money in politics, abortion, gun control, anti-depressants and joy.

Life of Homero Alviar

In his early life Homero would defend his family which could be the reason as to why he would join the U.S. military, he was very private in school and showed signs of joining the military at a later age...

Lenora Williams Hameed Omenka

Lenora Williams Hameed Omenka [no age given] shares her experience as a caregiver to close friends and family members with breast cancer and the importance of caring for one's self in caring for others. She shares how these experiences led...

Lessons in growing up young, becoming self-reliant and love during loss with Merrill Leslie and Jeff Maudlin

Merrill Leslie (82) shares stories with her oldest son Jeff Maudlin (66) on surviving a crazy childhood, becoming self-reliant at an early age and the lessons of dignity and love in death with the passing of a child, parent and...

Nat’s Memorial Interview

This audio is about my great aunt Nat. Her daughter answers questions about her life.

Aleta Jacobs life story

Aleta is my grandmother. She told me about her childhood and about where she was born. My grandma told me about how she was when she was younger. This was a great way to get to know her a little...

Ed Setzler

Ed Setzler [no age given] talks about his grandfather, Leonard Bugay, who served with distinction in World War II, earning the rank of First Lieutenant by the end. From basic training to managing a German Prisoner of War Camp, Bugay...

Hugo van Waardenburg and Frank van Waardenburg

Frank age 98 on Providence Hospice, of Dutch Indonesian heritage born in east Indies shares reflections with his son Frank who lives with his father about serving in the Dutch Indonesian army and being a prisoner of war for three...