Patricia Gregory and Alex Wu

Creating Community Through Sharing Stories: Born and raised in France, Patricia Gregory talks about her French childhood and family memories. Wanting to travel to America ever since she was young, she shares her first impressions of America, her experience eventually...

Angelique Green-Manning and Richard W. Green A conversation with the Good Bishop…My Dad

Angelique Green-Manning: 2020-08-12 14:52:49 This conversation was with my father, Richard W. Green, 75 and me Angelique Green-Manning, 56. We talked about his memories, his family, fatherhood.

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...

Auntie-Grandma Jewel (sibling #7)

In the midst of the pandemic my family has been blessed with new life. I spoke with my Aunt Jewel about the experience of becoming a great-grandma during the outbreak. I thought I knew my aunt pretty well but this...

Our Cousins, Kenneth and David Brazelton

We discuss our fondest memories of our cousins; Kenneth and David Brazelton. They are the sons of our Uncle Allen Brazelton and his wife Margie. Both were very successful in life. David was the oldest and worked as a meat...

Brazelton Interview – Our Maternal Aunts and Uncles

This interview is about our maternal aunts and uncles; Herbert Hinds Brazelton Jr, Allen Walker Brazelton and Phoebe Turner Brazelton. Hinds and Allen lived in the Huntsville area for their entire lives and raised their families here. Phoebe moved to...

Brazelton-Stafford Interview – Our Maternal Grandparents

In this interview, we discuss our memories of our maternal grandparents; Herbert Hinds Brazelton and Ursula Stanford Brazelton. Ursula passed away before any of us were born so we do not have any direct knowledge of her. Herbert was close...