Karen Keiser and John Braun
September 28, 2023 OSS Hub

One Small Step conversation partners and colleagues in the Washington State Senate Karen Keiser (75) and John Braun (56) discuss their Midwest origins, moving to Washington state, how their families shaped their politics, and how disagreement in legislative sessions leads...

Andy Miller and Cheri Miller

Husband and wife Andy Miller (64) and Cheri Miller (66) discuss how they met, their love story, and give advice to couples.

John Ellis and Kara Silva

One Small Step partners John Ellis (43) and Kara Silva (51) discuss their shared love of the mind-expanding view travel provides. They reflect upon their difference religious views but shared sense of the importance of family and connection with other...

Margarita [No Name Given] and Pat Medige

Colleagues Margarita [No Name Given] (31) and Pat Medige (57) share a conversation about immigration, focusing in particular on Margarita's experience coming to the United States and eventually gaining DACA status. Margarita also reflects on the importance of education to...

Jerlena Griffin-Desta and Franceen Levy

One Small Step conversation partners Jerlena Griffin-Desta (61) and Franceen Levy (76) talked about how coming to the Bay Area influenced their perspectives and how complex and confining political labels and descriptions can be.