Oral History Project with my mother, Claudia

Interviewing my mother, Claudia, to share the importance of food with family members and the role it has played in our own relationship.

entrevistando a César Catana

Cesar Catana(48) inmigró a los estados unidos cuando tenía solo 17 años y hoy va a compartir su historia!

New beginnings

My mom, Maria Loyola (40) gives me a run down of how her life was like in Mexico and the adversities she faces in the United States.

Two Badass Sisters Inspire the Rare Disease World

Suzanne Hoff, 76, listens to Sharon Neumann, 66, relate her remarkable experiences as caregiver from childhood for her younger sister diagnosed with the rare, incurable disease of Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) to their remarkable journey developing world wide support (IFOP)for...

A Light for the Soul with Marisol Diaz

Me and my Aunt talk about her childhood and her relationships with her family. We also talked about her experience with pregnancy and traveling.

Dad's Younger Years

Mi papa y yo hablamos sobre los días cuando él era menor y luego hablamos de las experiencias que tuvo que lo llevaron hacia donde él está en el presente.

interview w mi mami, ltns 435 fall '22, laura g

I, Laura Estela Gonzalez (21), interview my mom, Ana Laura Malagon (44). This interview is in Spanish and I ask my mom about her life story. It contains her childhood in Mexico, then her teenage years, and her adult life...