People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Anonymous 9

Anonymous 9 tells us about her happiest and scariest moment in her life, about growing up in a Colonia, about who she aspires to get her PHD, and how her and her husband fell in love.

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: David "There is a legacy beyond social status."

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: David. David Withrow is the successful owner of the local cafe, Agrarian Coffee in McAllen, TX. David is a father and husband with a penchant for the refined culinary palette. David speaks...

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol "When the Dreamer stuff passed it was a like an answered prayer…"

People of the Rio Grande Valley Border Towns: Marisol Roten. Marisol, a Mother of 3, and I have a conversation about her experiences growing up in the Rio Grande Valley. The experience of growing up without her biological father, having...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Victoria of Alamo, Texas

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Victoria of Alamo, Texas speaks frankly about her experiences post-2016 election, her feelings regarding gender roles, and women's rights. Victoria talks about how her Mother and Aunts are all business owners in...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Annette of Mission, Texas

"We have to continue to fight to have these rights. That was when I was 15 or 16 when I realized that." - Annette of Mission, Texas talks about her experience with equal rights in the computer science industry. Annette...