Eva Perlman & Annette Weinberg

Eva was eight months old when Hitler come to power. Her father was part of the resistance and fled with her and her brothers to Marseille, France then on to Lyon where he continued to fight for the resistance. Her...

Barry Gordon

Barry Gordon (82) talks with his children Allegra (42) and Jeremy Gordon (36) about stories from childhood, science experiments, and his unique path from physics to the psychology of encounter groups and psychics in the 1970s, and into a career...

A Conversation with Kathy Mapps Cirelli and Mingus Mapps about History and Politics

Kathryn Mapps: 2021-02-28 19:22:08 In this discussion Kathy and Mingus talk about how their family influenced them to be interested history and politics. Mingus, now a Portland City Commissioner, talked about the experience of running for office during the Corona...

A creative–and a priest

Growing up as an only child afforded Paulist Fr. Tom Holahan a huge imaginary world, where his creativity was nurtured. He loved the creative life and exploring the world so much that he couldn't see himself taking on the responsibility...

"The Prophetic Push"

Evan Cummings, C.S.P., made his final promises to life with the Paulist Fathers in late 2018. Just before that, he spoke about how wikipedia led him to the community, how some of his most profound spiritual moments come while kneading...

Windsurfing Race

Will and his father Jim Johnstone talk about a windsurfing race that Jim competed in during the 1990s.