Al Hopson, Cameron Kuo, , , and

World War Two veteran and longtime Watsonville native, Al Hopson tells of his time in the United States Army Air Corps (now called the US Air Force). He enlisted in February of 1943 on his eighteenth birthday. His intention was...

9,641 km, 2 continents, 1 lifetime, 0 defeats.

Growing up before WWII and falling in love were the easiest parts of Vera's life, but she encountered more hurdles along her way. On November 21, 2017, in Los Angeles, CA, Vera Volfson shares her story with her great-granddaughter Dara...

"Gave his kids opportunities he never had."
November 24, 2015 App Interview

My father, Shigeru Ochi, was raised in poverty. He focused on working hard and saving to send his kids through college and med school.