Sidney A. Smith, April 7, 2018 – 3rd Interview

Discussion of Dad’s calling to Toronto as mission president and service in Toronto.

Oscar Sanchez – Airports before and after 9/11

Oscar Sanchez, my uncle from Mexico travelled 1-3 times a month to the United States (including New York) in 2001. He discusses his experience in airports before and after the terrorist attacks on 9/11. (Interview recorded through a call)

Sidney A. Smith, April 7, 2018 – 4th Interview

Mission Experiences with Elder Nelson, Chinese surgeon, temple dedication, catholic priest.

Walter Davis and Bill Fields

Life Partners Walter Davis (64) and Bill Fields (55) talk about the one room school houses, the Peace Corps, their Unitarian Universalist Church, and other places where they’ve found a sense of community and what the word means to them.