Mark Workman and Lisa Love

Lisa Love (47) interviews her friend Mark Workman (59) about his upbringing, service in the Marine Corps, and life experiences.

Life of Ken Crews

Ken’s life successes, growing up and current life

Women’s History Month Interview

On March 27 of 2018, I, Vanessa Khieu, interviews my mom, Vyvy Vo, over the phone due to the fact that she was overseas in Vietnam.

Robert Wallace and Lindsay Smythe

Robert (Rob) Wallace (45) talks with his girlfriend, Lindsay Smythe (30) about his life expereinces living in Italy and California, his service in Kuwait and Somalia, and working as a police officer in Yuma.

My mom, a first generation college student

Heidi Hartmann explains what it was like to be a First-Generation college student at Swarthmore College in the 1960s.

Father and Daughter Discuss His Time in Ireland

Mattie Adam (27) and Kerry Adam (57) discuss Kerry’s time abroad at Trinity College as a student in 1985. Topics covered include what traveling can bring to one’s life, Dublin’s best fish and chips, math classes in Ireland versus math...

80 Years of Life with Patricia Bailey

I, Charley Ryann Shannon age 14, the interviewer, am interviewing my great grandmother, Patricia Ann Bailey age 80, about her life and what it was like growing up in the times she did.

Lynne O Bell—Growing Up and Life as a Nurse Manager

Jennifer E Bell asks her mother, Lynne O Bell questions about growing up in Pennsylvania and her life as a nurse manager at a pediatrics clinic

Jonathan Amosa Levy- The Great thanksgiving Listen

My grandpa and I spoke about growing up and how life was back then

English final

This interview consisted of discussion involving the college application process and what truly matters in high school.