Land of Oportunity

“When you have a good opportunity in your life, you should take it. Use it to improve your life and those after you.”-Dennis Bragg (I asked him how we should summarize it)

Grandpop and I

We talked about his influences and his past. He shared his stories and his life, all of the stuff that makes him my greatest hero.

The Chicago Riots (1968)

8th grade history project about Chicago Riots and living at that time (by Slade Jacobs)

Mammie’s story

We talked about grammies child hood and my parents child hood.

Military memories

My great uncle talks about how/why he joined the military and his feelings during this time of chaos.

Grandaddy’s Life

My grandpa, Ike Wilson, told me about his life in the airforce throughout the Vietnam War. He also told me about his life and family.

Vietnam War interview with Grandpa Joe

I interviewed my grandpa about his brother Ed who served in the Vietnam war. My grandpa also gave shared his view on the war and how it felt to be at home during the war.


A lot of childhood and teenage memories. War’s affect on a military family. What do you think about today’s society?

Questions for Papa

This is an interview i made with my grandpa on Thanksgiving, November 28, 2019. We talked about his military life and some things about his childhood and family life.

Rich and Christina

school in the 1951 in Chicago private school; 1963 high school. Working in Chicago at the CTA and getting drafted for Korea 1965 May.

Kevin Locke and Anthony Taylor

Anthony "Tony" Taylor (81) shares how the Navy has shaped his life with his friend Kevin Locke (60).