Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

The Elementary Maverick

Before big campuses like Campbell Hall, schools would be smaller and different then they are today. Alex Sanger, is a father of two who lived in Texas until he moved to LA, he went to elementary there and had lots...

Small but Feisty

If you tell Jerry Anderson a secret, he will never reveal it, but he’s happy to tell you even the most embarrassing things about himself. Brianna and Anderson 14, interviews her grandpa Jerry Anderson. The interview took place on November...

Fear Can Be A Good Thing

Overcoming a fear can be difficult, but facing fear to overcome it is an audacious way to tackle it. In an interview conducted by Jeremy Frank in Los Angeles, in November 2017, Darryl Frank talks about how he overcame his...

Getting To Know The Person You Know Best

Did you ever wonder what your parents were like before you came along? On November 26, 2017, at the age of 15, Topper Guild interviewed his mother, Toni Kotite, about her childhood and how that influenced her choice of career....

Border to border to boarding school

Traveling, boarding school, and even some crazy memories, the many things Jaqui Zerouni and Grace Telegdy discussed in November of 2017. As Grace and Jaqui went into depth about Jaqui’s childhood, as she explains all the amazing differences of living...