Adele Johnson and Carolyn Bornfleth

Cousins Carolyn Bornfleth (68) and Adele Johnson (72) remember their ancestor Maria Rosa Villalpando, who was captured by the Comanche tribe in 1760. They discuss how Villalpando ultimately came to lead an independent life in St. Louis, MO and bond...

Estevan Rael-Galvez and Edward Chacón-Lontín

Long time friends Estevan Rael-Galvez (54) and Edward "Eddie" Joseph Chacón-Lontín (68) share a conversation about Eddie's family heritage, his mother’s practice of silence in the interest of survival, and his experience understanding and embracing his mixed identity. The two...

Genevieve Mitchell and James Chavez

Siblings Genevieve Chavez Mitchell (66) and James "Jim" Martin Chavez (64) come together to share memories of their grandparents on the Chavez and Tafoya sides of their family, as well as memories they have from growing up.

Aaron Taylor and Joseph Moreno

Cousins Aaron Taylor (45) and Joseph Moreno (40) share a plática about their family history and Indigenous ancestry, the value of language and culture in education, and the intricacies of mestizo identity in New Mexico.

Theresa Valdéz Maestas and Jake Maestas

Theresa Valdéz Maestas (78) sits down with her husband Jake Maestas (88) to share the story of her great-grandmother Maria Rita Gallegos, a Navajo woman taken captive as a servant by Manuel Antonio Gallegos.