Jennifer Justice & Kirsten Lavery

Jennifer shares her story with Kirsten of how through a series of unfortunate events she went from "supermom" to dealing with an opiate addiction and living on the streets. While on the streets she got pregnant with her third child....

Jane Hopke & Scott Acord

Jane, a self-described pansexual with ADHD, grew up in an ultra conservative family with a professor for a father. An awkward child, unable to achieve perfection in school or meet her parents’ other unobtainable standards, Jane turned to food and...

Shari Small & Scott Acord

Shari recalls the story of how she met the love of her life, the six foot-five, John Small. She was married at the time, but was instantly drawn to his charm and good looks. They quickly developed a deep friendship...

Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.

Phyllis Smith & Laura Smith

Phyllis and her daughter Laura discussed the birth of Berkeley, Phyllis' son born in the late 70s, and how they were informed about his diagnosis of Down syndrome. In their conversation, they mentioned that one doctor advised against pursuing surgery...

Fr. Gregory Kirsch & Kelly Schmidt

Fr. Gregory and Kelly talk about the Table of the King celebration and its significance in the Catholic faith and those of us at Providence Health. The Table of the King celebration was created by Sr. Emilie Gamelin, one of...

Hilary Schwed & Storey Squires

Hilary, a 7-yr volunteer at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount), explains how serving at The Mount has shaped her and what it is like for her to have a family member live here. He's found a lot of love...

Laura Reyes & Scott Acord

A positive experience Laura had with a nurse when her father died on Christmas morning, has shaped her career in Patient Experience. Laura shares stories about her fathers influence in her life and her families Christmas Eve celebrations.

Joey Kane and Storey Squires

A volunteer turned employee reflects on his time at The Mount since he was a baby and why this is a place of friendship and love for him.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

David Levi Wilson & Will Rogers

David speaks to Will from his hospital bed about some of the injuries he has suffered over the years that has put him in the hospital. Shares stories about his life, loves, family and all of the jobs he's had...

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Abebech Mergia and Charlie Shin

Abebeck, a caregiver with PACE, talks with coworker Charlie about Fasika (Ethiopian Easter) and explains this special time in her culture. Also talks about the importance of neighbors, coworkers and participants.

Tran Pham and Melody Fawcett

Tran shares her experience of the loss of her premature girl, Bao An Pham Huynh shortly after birth. On the anniversary of her daughter's birth, she is taking the day off to honor her memory. She shares her gratitude for...

Susan Clark and Molly Swain

Former and current colleagues within the Providence Mount St Vincent foundation talk about what makes The Mount special. They talk about the importance of the mission continuing and the people, volunteers and residents who created a legacy.