60s Interview with Jerry Ludlow and Beverly Sue Richards

Interview with our grandparents about their live’s in the 1960s. About their time in college, their thoughts about the draft, and their recollections of the Vietnam War.

Josh Marchant Vietnam War interview with his grandfather, Randy Marchant

Randy Marchant is my grandpa, he was born in 1945. Topics such as his time in college, the draft process, and his stories are talked about.

Interview with Dad

We talked about life and hopes; about his work life, relationship with family, and briefly about the loss of Bonnie, his daughter

The Vietnam Experience

Gary Terry was in the Army for 2 years in Vietnam. This is his story of the experience he had before, during, and after the war.

Interview with Rosemary Berry
November 24, 2022 App Interview

My name is Brady Berry and I'm 13 years old. I interviewed Rosemary Berry, my grandmother, and she is 74 years old. We had a great conversation about lots of things like family, marriage and the draft for the Vietnam...

Love and sacrifice

The story of an immigrant who left everything behind to come to United States. She speaks of her struggles and goals that she still hopes to accomplish. The love she has for her kids drives her to be a better...

Brent Carter Interview

Interview of my Grandfather regarding his life, and specifically his diving career.

Interview with an American citizen about his experience in the 1960s

In this interview I ask questions to a former Vietnam solider about his experience in the war, his experience in the 1960's and his thoughts on the current events in the 1960's

An interview with Grandpa Charleston about the Vietnam War

My grandpa talks about his experience with being drafted in the war and how he felt about the United States being involved in the war.

Almost Drafted.

Pop, my grandfather, talked about how he almost got drafted, and how his family felt, and where they sent him to test if he was army material.

Grandfather interviewed about Vietnam era issues

This is a conversation with my Grandfather Fred Stidman about his experiences during the Vietnam war era when he was a college and then medical student (Johnson County Junior College, University of Kansas, and KU Med). During that tumultuous time,...

Grandad Ira's view on selective service.

For a school assignment I needed to interview my grandfather and ask him some questions about the draft for Vietnam, he never served but hes always been an opinionated man so I figured his interview would be very interesting.

“I was drafted into the US army at age 20”

“My tank was severely broken and instead of giving up, I became the cooking sergeant.” On January 6th, 2020 in Los Angeles, California, Caroline Rehder sat down with her grandfather, Greg Palmer, to hear his experiences from being drafted into...

My grandfather and I discuss, growing up in Brooklyn during the Great Depression, his time spent at a naval academy, and his life in AL.
November 25, 2018 App Interview

Today I spoke with my grandfather about his memories from the Great Depression, his time spent in the Navy, and the most impactful moment in his life. I learned so much through this experience and look forward to making more...

Russ Greene on Returning from Military Service in 1968

Father talks about his military service, and what it was like to get involved in 1968 politics after his return.

Erik Bitterbaum talks about his life with SUNY Cortland students

Erik Bitterbaum begins by recalling his life traveling the world. He describes his upbringing, education, and professional career, all the way up through becoming the university president at SUNY Cortland. He talks about how he remembers people so well, and...

Transitioning from Duke University to the NFL 1972 – 1973

Ernest Jackson played defense back and running back as a senior for Duke University in 1971. He is the is the only player to win ACC offense player of the week and ACC defense player of the week in the...

Close to war: the Vietnam draft

In the early 70s, Mark Hoffeld, was shocked when he received a draft letter to go to war. I, Jacob Silverstein (14), interviewed my grandpa Mark Hoffeld (71), on January 7, 2020. I interviewed him over the phone while I...