Boy meets Miltary Base

Once upon a time a young boy went through the stages of life: childhood, college, and being all grown up; however this same boy got to travel the world, become the resident advisor of his college dorm and work at...

Acting on the ranch

When Linda Gray was told she couldn’t become an actress, she didn’t listen, and did what felt right to her. In November of 2017, 15 year old Jack Sloane interviewed his grandma, Linda Gray. He later found out she started...

“I felt like I was cheated out of my childhood”

The topic of deportation is something that’s talked about on the daily by many, but no one knows how it actually feels for a loved one that’s forcefully taken away from their home after having made a life for themselves...

Sugar Can’t Bring Him Down

“You’ll be dead by the age of fifty” Jerry Sraberg was told. 14 year old Demi Weitz interviews her grandfather, Jerry Sraberg, about how being a diabetic affected him in negative and positive ways and the obstacles he overcame. In...

Generation Next

The eighties, a time of bright colors, classic movies,Michael Jackson, and a decade of fun for all. Colbe Thomas interviews his father Brandon Thomas, a man from New Orleans about his struggles in the 80s (5:25-6:32) and how he met...

Pan-Fried Friendship

As family comes closer, the stories we mention must be told to everyone. In this interview, held in Los Angeles, Cici Tsuo and Oliver España address their numerous moments together as well as Cici’s past, including her father, track coach,...

Love, Riots, and Violence, at USC

Ann Garrett, from Clovis, California, in her junior year of USC, 1992, was put into the middle of the Rodney King riots. It is a firsthand story of someone stuck in a violent protest. Interviewed by Luke Garrett, 14, her...

The Suprising Life of a Dad
December 4, 2017 App Interview

Ups and downs in life can make an interesting story. On November of 2017 Ian Kim interviews his dad Yong Ho Kim about his early High School life. The story takes place from 1984 in South Korea, and it shows...

Working in Another Language

Despite being in Japan for the earthquake in 2011, Gerald Hirshberg doesn't tell that story, because stories of interacting with the place and the people are far more earthshattering. In November of 2017, Kate Hirshberg interviewed her grandfather, Gerald 'Jerry'...

From a Child in RI to a Cop in CA

As a child in Rhode Island, Deborah Rhames never thought she would somehow, someway become a policewoman in Los Angeles. In this interview on November 29th 2017 she talks to Freedom Rhames about her journey to Los Angeles, and the...

Small but Feisty

If you tell Jerry Anderson a secret, he will never reveal it, but he’s happy to tell you even the most embarrassing things about himself. Brianna and Anderson 14, interviews her grandpa Jerry Anderson. The interview took place on November...

The Grief of Losing an Idol

On November 27th, 2017, Charlie Ruderman interviewed his mother Catherine Smith to learn about her childhood and what it was like to lose a loved one. Throughout the interview, Catherine describes her childhood in the 1970’s San Fernando Valley. This...

From the Farm to a Model

In November of 2017, 15 year old, Sam Geiger interviews his mom, Tricia Geiger in Los Angeles about her childhood, career path and challenges. Tricia explains in the interview what occurred between the years of 1964 to 2017 in her...

A Twist on a Proposal

In November of 2018, 14 year old Isabella Orlando interviewed her mom, Mandana Orlando in Sherman Oaks, California. The stories all take place in Santa Monica in the 1990’s. Isabella asks about everything, from how she met and fell in...

“That’s all I’ve known my whole life, I’ve only performed”

When she stepped into that recording booth, she had no idea what Rick and Morty would become. Kira Klonel interviews Melique Berger in Los Angeles, California, on November 23rd, 2017. Berger provides context of her childhood and what led her...