Nana’s World View

Susan Herbin And her 18 year old Granddaughter, Alexis Smith do a interview into the world view and life of Alexis’s Grandmothers life.

thanksgiving interview

i talked about her life and childhood and how things affected her etc. She was really great about keeping eye contact. She was able to answer most of the question.

Memories of Motor City

Playing an instrument, painting, and traveling the world. These are what Stephen Hoffman would like to do when he retires. In November 2018, 15 year-old JJ Hoffman interviewed his grandfather, Stephen Hoffman, about his past and his future. The story...

I love my life

A daughter interviews her Dad about his childhood, debating politics with his dad, when he became a hippy, hitchiking through Europe, discovering the rennaissance faire, and how he met my mom.

A Glance Down Memory Lane

This year for Thanksgiving, some of our family came down from Indiana. I didn't know them that well, so I decided that I wanted to interview them and get to know them more by learning about their childhood.

mom & me

I am Tori (16) and I interviewed my mom (Nikki, 51). We talked about some of her favorite things. Also we discussed childhood memories from her childhood.