Immigration Stories Italy: Reem and Rawan

Reem and Rawan are both daughters of Arab immigrants to Italy. Even though they were both born in Milan, Italy after their parents had immigrated to the country they are not considered citizens of Italy. Reem and Rawan talk about...

My Past Is Your Past

Although I never knew my great great grandparents, this interview with my grandmother made it feel like I knew them my whole life. On December 31, 2018, I, Kate Godfrey, interviewed my grandmother Carol Burns in Scottsdale, Arizona. The stories...


We talked about my father and his childhood

Sarah McMillan and Hannah Vinje

Sarah McMillan (53) and her mother, Hannah Vinje (78), center their conversation around the concept of home as they explore the different places they have lived as a family, ways they have both fought for conservation of the environment, and...

A Man Born in Berlin, Germany at the Cusp of World War II
November 25, 2017 App Interview

Fred Krause talks about his childhood in Germany and moving to the United States. Recorded in Temecula, California on November 19th, 2017, Mark Nickoloff discusses with Fred about his childhood and what it was like to grow up in his...