Military and Mental Health

A dialogue on the stigmas faced by men in the military.

My Experience With Bullying And How That Has Changed My Perspective On Leadership

Audrey and I talk about my experience with moving across the country, going through bullying, and my mental health journey and how I feel like these things impacted how I present myself as a leader.

Dealing with PMDD in College

My sister Elizabeth talks openly about navigating mental health in college and her diagnosis of PMDD.

Eleanor Ague and Ben Lashley

[Recorded: Friday, July 21, 2023] This One Small Step conversation was recorded in Charlottesville, Virginia as part of the Sorensen Institute’s summer High School Leaders Program in 2023. Eleanor Ague (17) is from McLean and Ben Lashley (17) is from...

Interview with Juliana Chavarro

Interview was with Juliana Chavarro, age 19, and Daniela Semino, age 18. Semino was the interviewer and Chavarro was the Interviewee. They have been best friends since 7th grade, 6 years. In the interview they discuss childhood, school, and mental...

My Mental Health Is Not Lazy: Featuring Shannon Lee

Shannon Lee is a college student who just started to seek help for her mental health. Today we discuss how harmful the laziness myth can be to people who struggle with mental health, and how we have started our mental...

Junko Takamatsu’s Story of America with her Granddaughter Lauren Kwong

Junko Takamatsu (age 74) is an Japanese American woman born after WWII. She shares her story of coming from Japan to the America. Her granddaughter, Lauren Kwong (age 16) asks her questions about her life in America.

Practice Interview (2)

Talking with my sister about mental health and the impact of social media.

Prostate Cancer in the African-American Community

Leroy Harmon Jr talks about his experience with prostate cancer and the effects it has on him and the black community.

Jason Wood and Jennifer Smith

One Small Step partners Jason Wood (43) and Jennifer "Jen" Smith (41) discuss influences on their political beliefs, affirmative action in workplace employment, and the challenges of police involvement with mental health calls.

Life in Quarantine: Aniceto Andres Solares Part 1

After living through a pandemic since March 2020, five people share their unique experiences and how the COVID-19 outbreak has affected their lifestyle, mental health, physical health, views, etc. Recorded August 16, 2020

Hilda Soko Interview

Hilda Soko is an assistant professor of nursing at St. Catherine University in the Baccalaureate Degree Program - College for Adults. She holds an Associate of Nursing degree from St. Catherine University, a BSN degree from Metro State University, an...

Ashley Demaris Palmer

A story of a teenager from Sunset Utah, of poverty, child abuse, and redemption. Ashley Demaris Palmer is a Highschooler with an interesting life story behind him, with the places and ways he has lived and the people his met,...

My friend Jaden

Jaden and Rachael discuss a lifelong friendship and the struggles they have been through together, and Jaden’s mental health adventures.

Treasure Affia and Dr. Toni Caretto ; An insightful interview on the issue of self- acceptance within the LGBTQI+ Community.

Treasure Affia(a sophomore psychology major and human sexuality minor) and Dr. Toni Caretto( a seasoned clinical psychologist) talk about the issue of accessibility to mental health care and self-acceptance within the LGBTQI+ community.

DC Healthy Transitions

Early preventative mental health measures for youth as they transition to adulthood are a key to healthy development.

Interview With Family

asking questions about political topics I chose

Joselyn Eitemiller and Melody Fawcett

Joselyn was adopted as a newborn, in Chadron, NE and she shares with her friend & colleague, Melody Fawcett, the story of meeting her birth family. The love and care she has been given by her adoptive parents and sibling.

Maddy Shearer interviews Beatrice Peterson about International Traveling and Living during the Cold War

Beatrice Peterson recalls her experiences traveling with the American military during the midst of the Cold War to locations like Vietnam, Cambodia, Germany, and Romania while being interviewed by her granddaughter, Maddy Shearer on May 14th, 2022. She details how...

Ethical Situation

An ethical dilemma in a workplace that deals with mental health issues.

Occupational Therapy: Living Life to its Fullest! Lived Experience Interview of Bailey LeBoeuf Johnson

Bailey LeBoeuf Johnson is an Occupational Therapist in the state of Colorado, and an inspiring agent of change within the profession. Identifying a gap in mental health services, she created her own business to provide the best quality of care...

What does nature mean to you?

This interview looks at connections to nature with a focus on mental health.