The Oldest Child

We talked about Jim’s childhood, grandparents, where he grew up, and hobbies. We also talked about why he moved to Utah and married my mom. Another topic was who influenced his life with work and sports.

Recuerdos de niña

In this interview we talked about my mom's childhood memories things she would have changed in her life if she had the chance to and advice she would give to future parents and to her kids.

“There is always pride in working hard.”
January 15, 2019 App Interview

My dad and I talked about his life. We talked about his trials and triumphs!

Ashley Chatelain

I talk to my sister about her life at my age and what she learned growing up. We also go into how the world has changed and what she see’s in not only my future, but her kids as well.

To be free

This interview is with my aunt Vatsana Suttlemyre from Laos. We talked about her journey to America and her life after she moved to Bountiful.

Christina Letoi

From the island of Samoa to the U.S. christina talks about her childhood memories, family, and small bits and pieces about herself.

Marcus Lamb

This interview is conducted November 29, 2015 in West Jordan, Utah by Elaine Turner Lamb (55) mother of Marcus James Lamb (18) about his struggles growing up as a child who has Aspergers Syndrome. He shares his stories of being...

Sister time

In this short segment, we talked about the life that my sister has lived, and the life she wants to continue on living. We talked about her biggest successes and regrets

My Nana

I interviewed my endeared grandmother who I call my Nana. She has lived a full and wonderful life. She is an example of a hard working woman and a loving friend and mother figure to all. I’m blessed to be...

The Family without a Father

I spoke with my grandmother, Virginia Velarde, about her life growing up with her siblings, mother, and step-father. We spoke about the hardships she went through growing up with her step-father and many other emotional moments in her life, including...

Meeting My Piano Teacher: Jane Calder

Today I interviewed Jane Calder. I have known her for nine years now. Although I have known her for so long, k have never known much about her. I learned about her childhood, life, mentors, and so much more.

La or Toadie

I talked to my mom about life before I was born, and the life i dont know about. This life included the multiple summer jobs, long lost childhood friends, and meeting then marrying my dad, and many more adventures as...

My Mother and I

Because I am going to college soon and have started the application. I wanted to know more about my mothers childhood and what her college experience was like. I also wanted to know how she ended up moving thausands of...

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

“You Can Do Better….”

My grandpa, Rich Spencer, has had a great life. In this interview, you’ll learn about his great accomplishments and upbringing. From Evanston Wyoming to Harvard Buisness School, you’ll see the steps he took to achieve success.

You’re going to try some things and mess up. You have to learn from your mistakes

I talk to my mom about some things I’ve wanted to know her opinion on and wanted to get a clear view of what she’s thinking of for the future. Also a way to get to know my mom just...

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...

Enjoying What Is With Mom

It’s important to never underestimate yourself. You can do so much by yourself and even more with people supporting you. There are so many joys in this world, but family brings the most joy.

Family history

This was an informational interview with my grandmother, Janet, who talks about her life and our family history.

"Find joy in success"

I interview my mom, Stephanie Kirk, and ask her questions about her life in Salt Lake City. We talk about her career as an interior designer, some life lessons, and impactful experiences.