Elizabeth Brady and Jennifer Perrow

One Small Step partners and long time friends Elizabeth Brady (58) and Jennifer Perrow (53) discuss what they are most proud of in the past year, working in HR and accommodating the hardships people are facing in their jobs, and...

Caroline Crawford and Amy Gerak

One Small Step partners Caroline Crawford (53) and Amy Gerak (47) discuss their different political views and why someone disagreeing with you doesn't make them wrong.

William Martin and Dany Bright

Friends William Martin (33) and Dany Bright (37) share a conversation about their journeys understanding their gender and sexual identities, coming out, challenges faced by the LGBTQ community, and the work of younger generations in making social change.

Mary Ellen Spencer: What it Means to be From East Tennessee

Pellissippi State Libraries librarian Allison McKittrick talks with Dean of the PSCC Libraries Mary Ellen Spencer about her favorite places and favorite artist in Appalachia as well as what it means to be from East Tennessee.