Interview with my grandmother who is 88 and has lived an interesting life. Going over some childhood memories and where life has taken her.

Mom/Son Interview.

We talked about a variety of things.Included how she grew up,Covid-19 and a lot more.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

Tales of a 50 year marriage

From September 1968 to September 2018, stories of courtship, love, travel and advice. Neil and Kathleen Pope Hughes, long-time Washingtonians married for 50 years.

Interview with my Grandpa, Denis Richmond

This interview was conducted for an AP Language project where we were tasked to interview a close elder and give insightful reviews and ask questions so we can further understand how cool our elders really are. I, Seth Greenland(16) interview...

Rosemary van der Net interviews her cousin Olivia Ford about growing up in a divorced household.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Brielle, New Jersey, Rosemary van der Net (14) interviews her older cousin Olivia (23). Olivia shares her struggles of growing up in a divorced household and her education. She also shares about...

From Hurt To Healed

“After every air raid we would have to count heads to make sure everyone was okay”. On January 1, 2019, 14 year-old Taylor Huie interviewed her grandmother, Sylvia Huie, about her experience escaping the Japanese-Chinese War in the 1930s when...

Tamara Wadsworth and her father Kyle Wadsworth talk about family, heritage, and childhood memories

Tamara Wadsworth interviewed her father Kyle Wadsworth in their living room in Santa Monica, CA on November 26, 2017. They discussed topics like family, heritage, childhood memories, and more. Kyle Wadsworth grew up in California with his brother, pets, and...

Aiden Briesacher and Kelly Barnes

Aiden Briesacher: 2020-11-29 21:07:51 Aiden Briesacher (17) speaks with her Aunt, Kelly Barnes (50), about her life. Travel experiences in India, Japan, London, China, Australia and more as well as childhood memories, life in different countries, and a surprise reveal...


Christina grew up in Germany, had a happy marriage to Gerald, an English Army soldier and had 3 children, but lost her husband when he was only 41.

England to Jamaica; My Mother’s Life Story

This interview was done by Hayley McNair (21), who interviewed her mother, Tracey McNair (52). This interview discusses the life of Tracey McNair, including topics of her childhood, sports, time in the British Air Force, and her job and current...

Hazel reminisces about her childhood immigration to Canada and later the USA.

Hazel and her family moved to Canada from England when she was a young child and later they had to move to the USA. She takes us through her memories of the immigration and her childhood.

Grandma Beth on life in Cornwall

Precious time with my 92 year old grandma reflecting on life in Cornwall and London with family spread around the world. Maintaining and growing strong connections

Interview with my Grandfather

Ruari Shearer interviews Grandfather, Tom Shearer. They talk about his happy childhood despite how little he had growing up in Leicestershire, England.

White Water Breaks the Stone

John Friedrich (56) talks with his friend Bob Alpern (92) talks about two trips to Europe to protest the deployment of U.S. missiles in Europe, including a three day block of the Mutlangen Air Force Base in southern Germany. There,...

Nanny part 2

Her life growing up and what it was all like.

Creativity for a Lifetime: Interview with my Grandma

In this interview, I talked with my grandmother Georgiann Eckheart, about her life as a mother and grandmother and how creativity played a role in her life.

Interview with Nana

This interview was done on November 22, 2018 on thanksgiving morning in Annapolis, Maryland. I, Will Dickinson, interviewed my grandmother Joan Bowling. We discussed topics such as her childhood and family memories. Another topic we discussed was where our ancestors...

Kasey Adams and Jon Adams talk about growing up in England

In this interview conducted on November 2020 in Palm Springs California Kasey Adams age (14) interviews her father John Adams age (65). My father and I live in Alamo California but are on Thanksgiving break in Palm Springs California. John...

Border to border to boarding school

Traveling, boarding school, and even some crazy memories, the many things Jaqui Zerouni and Grace Telegdy discussed in November of 2017. As Grace and Jaqui went into depth about Jaqui’s childhood, as she explains all the amazing differences of living...