Mimi and Papa Interview

We talked about how different life is in 2018 from then

"Taking the Time to Make the Big Decision." an interview with Marcia McNutt

You may know Marcia McNutt as the current president of the National Academy of Sciences, but did you know she’s also someone who got restless enough to give up what many consider the be the perfect job? While teaching at...

Jane Wilson and Anthony Lewis

One Small Step conversation partners Jane Wilson (78) and Anthony "Tony" Lewis (69) discuss what it was like growing up in completely different communities and how they developed their beliefs.

"There's no other job I'd rather have ever." An Interview with Ed Weiler

Ed Weiler only answered to one person when he was the Associate Administrator for Science at NASA Headquarters- the President of the United States. And after decades long career in astronomy, working on everything from the Hubble Telescope to the...

“Science is the R&D for the future.” An interview with Christa Peters-Lidard

When Christa Peters-Lidard cold-called the head of NASA’s hydrology lab as an undergrad, she wasn’t thinking she’d eventually land that very position. Now as the Acting Director for Sciences and Exploration at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Christa oversees several...