Sheryl Olitzky and Atiya Aftab

Atiya Aftab (53) and her friend and cofounder Sheryl Olitzky (65) discuss how their interfaith, multicultural friendship inspired them to start their non-profit, Sisterhood Salaam Shalom which is a program that encourages friendship, dialogue, and action among Muslim and Jewish...

Mai Lo Lee and Elizabeth Lo

Sisters Mai J. Lo Lee (43) and Elizabeth "Beth" Lo (49) talk about their early childhood memories, things they've had to unlearn, and their shared devotion to Mai's daughter Seenia.

A Word with Dr. Robin

(Updated 1/6/21: Edited to improve sound and decrease overlap caused by delay.) In an overdue reunion, Robin Wilson graced me with an hour of her Sunday to share her story. She passed down a major portion of my teaching-for-justice toolbox...

Student Mindfulness and Intersectionality

Nancy and JQ talk about the SNC community, being a sociology major, a Cassandra Voss Center staff member, and how we bridge all of these ways we think about ourselves and others.

Frances Vicioso, Regan Hanley, and CoCo Marie

Colleagues and board members of OutFront Kalamazoo Frances Vicioso (34), Regan Hanley (63), and CoCo Marie (46) share their journeys coming into their identities, reflecting on how the queer experience takes shape across different generations and communities. The three also...