Combat Veteran interviews Military Widow

Mrs.Joy was kind enough to share her life experiences with me and I am forever grateful. She is a military widow who owns her own daycare. Being a combat veteran myself, I had countless questions because of the many intersections...

Amy Vradenburg, Cameron Kuo, , , and
January 26, 2017 App Interview

Amy recounts her time as an army chaplain and tells how it has led to her current job as veterans' employment specialist and part time missionary. From her work experience with veterans reentering society, Vradenburg explains the difficulties servicemen and...

Courageous Not Fearless

Exploring Life’s meaning and questions, Novick & Falardeau discuss the importance of tapping into our innermost truth albeit facing limiting fears, and how being courageous means complete and total surrender.

A War On Two Fronts

Not long ago, people of color were more heavily mistreated, denied opportunities, and denied respect based on one thing. On November 29th, 2017, 14 year old Jason Ridley interviews his 85 year old grandfather, John Ridley III, about his time...

“I wanted not to live on a pedestal”

Fr. Ken McGuire describes himself as a theological liberal who peers say still gets along well with conservatives. Father Ken says a Ph.D. in anthropology shaped him to understand how people approach situations from different mindsets and it made him...

Being a performer stuck in the army

It was a time in my life when I wasn’t sure where I was going and I needed 4 or 5 years to work that out, and that was a really cool time to do it (the army) On December...

Fear Can Be A Good Thing

Overcoming a fear can be difficult, but facing fear to overcome it is an audacious way to tackle it. In an interview conducted by Jeremy Frank in Los Angeles, in November 2017, Darryl Frank talks about how he overcame his...

Advice for future generations.

Your faith in Jesus is the most important thing about you. How to love is the greatest lesson to learn.

A Veteran’s Transition & Life After – (USA v. Joaquin C.)

Take a moment to listen to Mr. Joaquin Cuenca, a Veteran recounting his transition experience of having to face the United States of America in a Federal Court of Law while retiring from military service and the surprising direction in...

A Young Artist Gets A Miracle!

That morning I wished that I could meet with the famous band and network with them. That night I was on stage singing with them! A miracle in Monterrey and in my life as an artist.

Stoney Brook and Christy Hightower

Stoney Brook talks about how being a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago in 2014 touched and changed him in unexpected ways. Among other things the pilgrimage was the gateway to his setting up the first Veteran's Treatment Court in...

Julie Rolph talks about how her faith has deeply impacted her life

This interview was conducted on April 22, 2019. Hallie Rolph(18) has a conversation with her mother Julie (54) about religion and how it has impacted her life. Julie talks about how God has given her strength and helped her realize...

Leilani Ferguson and her grandma Salud Mangahis talk about her immigration to the United States and her experiences

In this over the phone interview, recorded in November 2018 in San Diego, California, Leilani Ferguson (16) interviews her grandma, or Lola, Salud Mangahis (75) about her settlement into the United States from the Philippines and her family upbringing. Mrs....