Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Mason Cohen and Phillip McFarland

Mason Cohen, a high school student, discusses the childhood and childhood experiences for one of his educators, Phillip McFarland (Mr.McFarland).

Spencer Haydary and Ethan Dahlby

[Recorded: Thursday, April 7th, 2022] Spencer (26) and Ethan (21) have a One Small Step conversation in Charlottesville, Virginia. Spencer is a UVA Law student and Ethan is a 3rd year computer science student at UVA. They are both active...

Nathan Buck and Therese Lewandowski

Nathan Buck, Providence Volunteer Program Supervisor, has an in-depth conversation with Therese Lewandowski, about his spiritual journey from being a midwest, gay alter boy in a Catholic school to an openly gay, happily married manager for a Catholic organization. Nathan...

Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Interview with An LGBT Person in a Conservative Country about Her Experiences

I talk with my friend (19) from a conservative country about her experience being LGBT in a religious country, her identity, and how growing up in a place like that has affected her life. I do not reveal her identity...

Bill Haskell and Liv Schaffer: An Intergenerational Conversation

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our first StoryCorps conversation is between SFV Board Co-chair Bill Haskell (77) and Board member Liv Schaffer (31). In this inspiring conversation, Bill and Liv talked about many things including people who have been instrumental...

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...

Two Generations of Trans Students Meeting

Z. Gutierrez (He/Him/His), a junior at Westridge school, interviews his alumnus, Elliott Snow (They/Them/Their), to discuss their transition journey, experience at Westridge, and life as a trans adult.

Diya and Taylor- 12/3/2022

Taylor Eadie (18) talks with Diya Kishore (18) about the highs and lows of being apart of the LGBTQ+ community as a white male in his past and present.

Michelle Parkerson and Maria Santiago

Michelle Parkerson (67) relates the arc of her career to Maria Santiago (35). She credits her parents for supporting her early artistic leanings, including her appreciation for jazz, writing, and acting. Parkerson tells of her time at Temple University, where...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Charles Tyson Jr.

A fairly recent transplant from West Philadelphia to Tacony, Charles is an artist, singer, dancer and event producer in the performing arts of Philadelphia. Charles gives insight into his involvement in the flourish Art scene in Tacony, also known as...

Wade Arvizu and Elizabeth Scaife break down the anti-trafficking movement’s past, present, and future.

Wade Arvizu (aka K.D. Roche) and Elizabeth Scaife candidly discuss the evolution of the anti-human trafficking movement and the importance of survivor leadership within every aspect. They reflect on the humble beginnings of their friendship and their hopes for future...

Stephen Starr and Dave Howser

Dave and Steve interview each other about growing up Baptist, coming out and HIV-AIDS in Chicago in the '80's and '90's.

Kami Timm and Liz Wessel

Kami shares with her friend and colleague Liz about what brought her to nursing and where she has been in both her career and her personal life. She talks about nursing being her calling and her personal experiences that impacted...

Jami Gramore & Scott Acord

Jami, is an only child for their adopted parents and has a complicated relationship with them mainly because of their gender identity of queer/nonbinary. Throughout their life they have struggled with depression and anxiety, but are working through it with...

Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne and Sara Robinson

[Recorded Friday, Feb. 4th, 2022] Jacqueline (33) and Sara (75) recorded a One Small Step conversation together in Charlottesville, Virginia. They discussed marriage, LGBTQ identities, memories of childhood, and their professional lives.

Growing up LGBTQIA+ and Catholic from Teenage Eyes

Molly Morgan interviews Garrett Olmsted on growing up Catholic and being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. They discuss school, family, and faith life through the eyes of queer teenagers. From its positives and negatives, everything is laid out on the...

Sam Pelger & Erin Pelger

Erin talks with her son Sam about his coming out as trans. The hard conversations, the obstacles, and his desire to live openly and honestly. Getting to start testosterone and living as the person he has always been. Sam knows...

Southern Queer Life & Chosen Families with Aldon and Edwin

A discussion about growing up queer in the south and choosing a family from the friends you're surrounded with.

This is a conversation on David's front porch with his neighbor and good friend, Gary.

David Wesley(57) interviewed Gary Banta (68). David and Gary are neighbors in Kansas City, Missouri. Gary talked about growing up in Walnut Creek, CA. and moving to Kansas City. We also discussed LGBTQ, and faith.

Evy & Holly

Being transgender has caused Evy to grow up quickly. At 14, she has now lived half her life as the girl she always wanted to be. She and her mother, Holly, share stories about the obstacles Evy has faced from...

"I love you."

Dear pals, Lexie and Marina, talk about growing up in the Midwest, resonance with effeminate men, coming out as many things, hospitalization, the anthology "Written on the Body." The interview may or may not close with a lil song :)