This is an interview with my mom discussing the given interview questions.

Two Generations of Trans Students Meeting

Z. Gutierrez (He/Him/His), a junior at Westridge school, interviews his alumnus, Elliott Snow (They/Them/Their), to discuss their transition journey, experience at Westridge, and life as a trans adult.

Us during Stonewall and after…

The photo featured here is from 1992, our first year together. When Stonewall happened, neither of us knew. We became a couple in Chicago 23 years later. The chorus of CeCe Peniston's "Finally," a tune that was popular during our...

Life Lessons with Chan pt.4

On this final part of Life Lessons with Chan, he talked about all the life regrets he doesn’t have! He believes that all of the “mistakes” he’s made were an opportunity for him to grow and learn. Maybe he shouldn’t...

"Cracking the Carbon Cycle while Using the Grill." an interview with Marc Kramer

Environmental chemist Marc Kramer, Washington State University, has spent an inordinate amount of time talking and climate and weather in the rural parts of your nation. As he says in this interview, “there isn’t a single farmer who isn't interested...

Bathroom Interview with Mac & Ronen

Mom interviews two precocious boys (aged 4.5 and 2.5) about school, zombies, laughter and what it means to be proud.

Struggles within the LGBTQ and Adopted community.

We talk about her experience in these communities and how she feels about certain topics about being adopted and gay.