Jackie Burrell and Gerald Cole

Significant others Jackie Burrell [no age given] and Gerald Cole (52) share a conversation about their relationship. Gerald also talks about writing his first book, the advice he would give to his younger self and his daughters, and what he...

Edward J. Powers with Helen Powers and family

Edward J. Powers, Sr. (79) shares stories and memories with his family about his childhood in Pottsville, PA, his career in Public Health, and the life he and wife Helen M. Powers (79) have had so far with their children,...

Sisters Judy and Awilda talk to their great niece, Adalia, about their childhood and family life

In this interview, conducted in December 2019 in Roswell, Georgia, Adalia Molina (17) interviews her two great aunts, Judy (63) and Awilda(70). Throughout the interview they discuss their childhood and relationship with their other two siblings, Maggie and Jorge. They...

Interview with Grandma

This interview is about my grandma and her Experiences in Haiti. What she did for work, and how she did it. Where she lived, and what her social class was, and if she have fun with there in Haiti. This...

Tammy Henry, Wilbertine Calhoun, and Tiffiny Benton-Hoke

Sisters Tammy Henry [no age given] and Tiffiny Benton-Hoke [no age given] sit down with their mother, Wilbertine Calhoun (73), to ask her about the parts of her life story that she has not shared with her daughters. As she...

Nancy Sills and Jim Sills

Spouses Nancy Sills, (67) and Jim Sills (67), sit down to preserve some memories for their children and their grandchildren. They describe the strong communities they each grew up in, share their favorite stories about various family members, and reflect...