“We need…more Black women and women of color to be on this campus to get that experience and go back out in the world and do better.”

Malika Jeffries-El ’96, Shelly Davis ’97, and Katrina Mitchell ’96 recount the evolution of Ethos’ objectives from advocating for diversity and inclusion on campus to thinking about the broader aspects of being black women in the world. They touch on...

Emalee Farley and El Daña

Emalee Farley (23) and her friend El Daña (75) talk about El Daña's long time male impersonator entertaining in the Fresno area and beyond. Together they talk about the gay bar scene in Fresno in the 1960s, how El Daña...

Social Justice – Our Voices Matter – Massiel Calderon

Inspiring change through conversation. In the aftermath of the brutal murder of George Floyd, at the hands of law enforcement, we are launching a new interview-based collection of stories where members can share their personal experiences in coping with such...

Reflections on Coming Out as an African-American Gay Male

"In high school I tried to date girls, but in the back of my mind I knew I didn't want anything more than friendship from them."

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...

"I love the fact that we're serving the public." An interview with Dana Bolles.

Dana Bolles works for the Science Engagement and Partnerships Division at NASA Headquarters. She was first hired as a Payload Safety Engineer with the Kennedy Space Center and since then, has worked at four NASA centers in mission support roles...