Barbara Kivowitz and Michelle Maalouf: An Intergenerational conversation
September 13, 2022 App Interview

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: In our fourth StoryCorps conversation, listen to an intergenerational chat between our Board members Barbara Kivowitz and Michelle Maalouf. They talked about their career paths, the importance of intergenerational relationships in their lives, and how...

Ralph talks about his identity and family of origins, not wanting to be in a box, and his desire for community.

Ralph grew up in Philadelphia. He describes his family's values of kindness, growing up with a mother who was bi-polar, and his constant desire for community. He speaks on his identity, age, and speaking one's mind. He moved to San...

Steve Hayashi and Jason Dare: Stories from school to volunteering

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our second Storycorps conversation is between SFV Board Members Steve Hayashi (78) and Jason Dare (49). Amidst many laughs, they speak about how their paths led them to SFV, hobbies which included volunteering as a...

Kate Hoepke and Dr. Wayne Pan: A conversation about community and belonging

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our third StoryCorps conversation is between San Francisco Village Executive Director Kate Hoepke and Board member Dr. Wayne Pan. Kate and Wayne shared personal stories that led them to be where they are today. They...

Fellow Brazilian and naturalized US citizen Jessica Da Silva interviews George Woyames

In honor of Latino/a and Hispanic Heritage Month, San Francisco Village Wellness coordinator Jessica Da Silva (34) interviews SFV member George Woyames (77) about what he would want other generations to know about being Latino in his generation.