Brooklyn and Cole

Brooklyn (19) interviews Cole (18) about how different but also similar their lives were growing up based off of where they grew up. Brooklyn is from small town Nebraska, Cole is from big city Los Angeles Calfiornia.

Anjali Patel and Mona Patel

Anjali Patel (18) interviews her mother Mona Patel (41). Anjali asked Mona about her childhood in India and differences between her life then and her life when she came to the United States. They also discussed Mona's college years, happy...

Kyle Johnston Interview

Kyle Johnston (20) talks to William Johnston (57) and Annalisa Johnston (55) about how food, water and energy have changed during their lives and the differences between living Upstate and on Long Island

Susanna Houland and Maya Scott-Chung

Maya Elena Scott-Chung (45) and Susie Hoblet (47), parents at Kaiser Elementary School, discuss the myth of the Ozzie and Harriet “traditional family” and Suzy’s experience growing up in Italy, France and traveling worldwide; the struggles of the sandwich generation,...

Grandpa talks about his past and childhood in Mexico.

Grandpa talks about his past and childhood in Mexico. How he met his wife, and pastimes when he was younger. Shows a life experience that many growing up in America did not have.