Sister time

In this short segment, we talked about the life that my sister has lived, and the life she wants to continue on living. We talked about her biggest successes and regrets

“I grew up in a household that valued work and education”

In this interview, i asked my dad several questions regarding his schooling and work/career life. We discussed both what he does now and what led to his current work life.

An interview with my inspiration: Jane Calder

Today i interviewed my piano teacher of 9 years. Over the nine years, I only knew about her past students and children. Today I wanted to know more about her childhood, career, passions and proudest moments.

Walter Plumb IV and walterplumb5

I interviewed my dad to get to know him better and learn more about his past. I wanted to find out how he chose the career he did and what led him to being in land development. He also is...

Interview with Chris Colgan

I interviewed my dad. We talked about his childhood growing up on a ranch and the work that was put in there, then we talked about his experience in boarding school. After that, we talked about his college and grad...

“I was not rebellious at all”

We just talked about her life before meeting Sam and then how being married has changed their relationship. We also talked about future plans and goal for life

Childhood to Parenthood

Steve answers questions about his childhood, everything from early family memories to his high school prom. He talks about meeting my mom and their journey to getting married 4 months after meeting one another. Steve finishes the interview with memories...

Live, Laugh, Love Episode 1: Sumner Bell

On the primary episode of Live, Laugh, Love I interview my compatriot, Sumner Bell. We talk Christopher Nolan, Astrophysics, Indians and integrity. This interview is guaranteed to bring a smirk to the mouth.

Conversation with an autistic metalhead.

This interview takes place with my manager Zane, who was diagnosed with ASD when he was in 4th grade. He dropped out of school when he was in highschool, and during the interview we discuss how and why everything occurred...

Getting to know my Mom

In this interview I talked with my mother and asked her many things about her childhood and adult life. We talked about what she was like as a child and what she did. She gave advice to her teenage self...

“I worked my entire life for my kids”

Elvira talks about her young life and how she grew up. She also talks about her family and how she managed to be a single mother. I learned a lot about her hobbies and what she wants to do with...

You’re going to try some things and mess up. You have to learn from your mistakes

I talk to my mom about some things I’ve wanted to know her opinion on and wanted to get a clear view of what she’s thinking of for the future. Also a way to get to know my mom just...

Meeting My Piano Teacher: Jane Calder

Today I interviewed Jane Calder. I have known her for nine years now. Although I have known her for so long, k have never known much about her. I learned about her childhood, life, mentors, and so much more.

Think Positive, be positive.

I talk with my mom about her life stories, I was really young when we first came here so I didn't know about what happened back in Nepal and India. We talked about how it was growing up and childhood...

John Babcock Part 1: “I testified against the Hells Angels”

This section is a brief introduction to John and his life. We discussed his career and how it affected his life. He talks about how he changed a young man's life and the school he built from scratch. John also...