The Great Thanksgiving Letter

The interviewee, Mei Chun Lin, has been through what many others have experienced when she first came to the United States. This has shaped her identity in many ways because her community and the people around her changed as she...

"It’s really amazing how difficult it is to study something like the ocean." An interview with Ved Chirayath

Dr. Ved Chirayath is the director of the Laboratory for Advanced Sensing (LAS) in the Earth Science Division at NASA Ames Silicon Valley. There, he develops and invents new instruments for NASA missions on Earth and in space, with much of his current work focusing on creating technology that will increase our...

Interview with an Immigrant Child

From the context of the interview I had with Leslie, a child of undocumented immigrants, I have become more aware of the challenges faced by such children. A recurring theme I noticed from the answers to my questions regarding their...

"Even today I'm still amazed at the power of the simple mathematics and it has benefited my whole career." An interview with Xubin Zeng.

Meet Xubin Zeng, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Arizona. Dr. Zeng was amazed by the power of mathematics at a young age and found his calling in physics. Listen to Dr. Zeng discuss what inspires him,...

Mina Dillard-Gits’ takes on literature and her suggestions of books for high school students.

My mother and I discussed various pieces of literature that she enjoyed throughout her life. She also made some recommendations for high school graduates on what books to read.

Book Talk: Ian Drury & Allegra Dugan discuss literature, benefits of reading, and timeless novels.

Drury and Dugan discuss the challenges of finding one’s path in the world, blooming in the face of darkness, and influencial people and events. Also mentioning various books that have stuck with them and hopes for the future.

Interview with my dad (Greg Higgins)

Discussed pushing through adversity in life and who to rely on

Elizabeth Dowd SPC 208 Interview

This is a conversation about the difficulties of finding your path. This interview entails finding your career, when college is not your ideal scenario. There comes adversity and hard work, that all pays off in the end.

"The opportunity to be part of this team to build something was really quite compelling." An Interview with Russanne Low.

Dr. Russanne Low works for the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, with much of her work centering on promoting citizen science. Listen to Dr. Low discuss the obstacles she's had to overcome, how the science community has changed for the...

Friends for Life

Steven (18) and Anderson (18), friends forever. Discuss topics like their future and what their family and friends mean to them.