Elizabeth Guaracao and Anna Guaracao

Elizabeth Guaracao (67) speaks with her daughter, Anna Guaracao (23), about her immigration story from Colombia to the United States and her first couple of years living in Philadelphia with her oldest daughter, Gabriela. She shares a reflection on what...

Joyce Hollobaugh talks about her life experiences and passion for helping people with her interests in medicine.

My mother, Joyce Hollobaugh, discusses how her life experiences competing in volleyball and softball and her career in respiratory therapy has made her the person she is today. As she discusses her experiences, my mother describes all the important life...

Common Ground Tacony Oral History Project: Charles Tyson Jr.

A fairly recent transplant from West Philadelphia to Tacony, Charles is an artist, singer, dancer and event producer in the performing arts of Philadelphia. Charles gives insight into his involvement in the flourish Art scene in Tacony, also known as...

Evelyn Cope with Brother James Burkett and his wife Phyllis.

My Mother Evelyn Cope interviewing her Brother James Burkett during a visit to his home in 2016. James began suffering from Alzheimer's disease and passed away in 2019.

Elaine P. Zickler and Denise Maltese "It's Easier to Remove Layers than to Add Them"

dmaltese: 2021-07-18 21:09:45 Elaine Zickler talks to her daughter-in-law Denise Maltese about her childhood in Philadelphia and how it influenced her adult life; her psychoanalytic practice, her PhD in English, for example, developed through her keen interest in family stories...

COVID-19: Eric Robinson

Eric Robinson talks about how difficult it has been to watch his son, a senior in high school in March 2020, grappled with the disappointments of the Covid-19 shutdowns. Because of the nationwide stay-at-home orders all three of his sons...

"We Were Reunited"

Melina Plummer (16, Grandaughter) and Maureen McCarthy (58, Grandmother) Discuss a multitude of topics. Being a single mother and being the first generation of Women to work full time is tough. Maureen has lived through a lot and has a...