Generational Differences- Vanessa Muniz Interview w/ María Álvarez
December 5, 2022 App Interview

Interviewing my mother, Maria Alvarez, on her upbringing and it’s similarities/differences with my upbringing. Questions asked: -where did you grow up •religion •structure -coming to the US •differences •having children & teachings •religion -best accomplishments

You can dream, you can try, you can fail, but it will get done.

Keylli Palmerin, 16, and her mom, Mary Cruz Vega, 35, talk about Mary's upbringing and goals she wishes to accomplish.

Interview with my mom, Miguelina.

On may 15, I interview my Mom and I asked her brief questions about her race and ethnicity and what it means to be part of her community.

"Las personas van a ser mas abiertas al hablar con una persona que se mire como ellos, que habla como ellos."

Faith Estrada is a home visitor at Cooperative Health in Columbia, South Carolina, which is also a Parents as Teachers affiliate. In this StoryCorps, Faith shares her experience as bilingual home visitor and explains how her own personal life and...