From Generation to Generation
November 23, 2018 App Interview

Christopher’s mom talks about her childhood experience to her adulthood as a mom of her two kids. In this interview, she shares the importance of one’s connection with others and the world around her.

Nancy shares stories that lead her to a life philosophy of "if now now, when?"

Nancy lives in San Francisco for her everyday life because of the beauty, diversity, and accessibility, but her soul belongs to the cabin in MN that's been in her family for decades. She shares stories on family, values, and planning...

Gretchen Addi and Marcia Weisbrot: Multi-generational friendships
September 27, 2022 App Interview

Board of Directors Storytelling Project: Our sixth and final StoryCorps conversation is between SFV Board Co-chair Gretchen Addi and Board member Marcia Weisbrot. Although they have different professions, Gretchen and Marcia share a background in creative and visual arts. They...

My Interview with Fred Bucoy

My Grandpa, Fred Bucoy is 83 and almost 84. We talked about his past in terms of growing up and previous jobs. We also talked about lessons he learned as well as religion and his memories of my family.