Surviving and Having Hope – My Story

My name is Dalia and I will explain my story of sadness, but triumphs on how I made it in life. I had a cleft palate and was raised by immigrant parents. I plan to release my book of how...

Doris Osuorah Interview

Doris C. Wie Osuorah, Registered Nurse: I am from Liberia, West Africa. I fled my country during the Liberian civil war in 1990 and spent 3 years in the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana. I arrived in the US in...

Marti & Scott

Shortly after Marti's daughter Julia was born she was diagnosed with incontinentia pigmenti. It was affecting her central nervous system and the doctors didn't expect her to live more than a few years. Marti learned everything she could about this...

101-Year-Old Arnold Duevel Talks about a Century of Life

Arnold Duevel talks about growing up in Central Minnesota. Born in 1918, he shares vivid memories of his childhood and teen-aged years. A decorated World War II veteran, Arnold has led a long and momentous life.

Jami Gramore & Scott Acord

Jami, is an only child for their adopted parents and has a complicated relationship with them mainly because of their gender identity of queer/nonbinary. Throughout their life they have struggled with depression and anxiety, but are working through it with...

David Burke and Doug Lyon

One Small Step partners Doug Lyon (58) and David Burke (52) discuss the merits of liberal and conservative approaches to different issues and share stories of how their backgrounds have shaped their beliefs.

Wilson Bell and Tom Mason

Wilson Edward Bell Sr. (77) speaks to his friend Tom Mason (69) about being an amateur astronomer and life-long learner and how he uses his intellect to advocate for himself.

My moms story after before during and after divorce.

I interviewed my mom Rosalia, she spoke to me about her past marriage to my father whom cheated on her and she divorced. This interview talks about the time before , during and after the divorce and what led up...