Jackie Burrell and Gerald Cole

Significant others Jackie Burrell [no age given] and Gerald Cole (52) share a conversation about their relationship. Gerald also talks about writing his first book, the advice he would give to his younger self and his daughters, and what he...

Terri Thornton and Alan Thornton

Terri Thornton (65) interviews her husband, Alan Thornton (69), who has been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. Terri, herself, has been diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. Together they talk about their bond, their hope for the...

Aishwarya Warrier and Divya Malyala

Best friends Aishwarya Warrier (31) and Divya Malyala (29), who immigrated from India, are celebrating Aishwarya's 10th year as a resident of the US. They look back on their journey of new experiences and look forward to new adventures.