Living in controversial moments …..

The topic of the interview was controversy not only as a African American but also as an American during 9/11 and how these controversial moments in our history effected people, at least from my dad’s point of view.

Great Thanksgiving Listen

I asked my mother some questions about herself and some events/people which have impacted her greatly.

Working in Another Language

Despite being in Japan for the earthquake in 2011, Gerald Hirshberg doesn't tell that story, because stories of interacting with the place and the people are far more earthshattering. In November of 2017, Kate Hirshberg interviewed her grandfather, Gerald 'Jerry'...

Past, Present, and Future with my Mom

I talk with my mom about her immigration to US, her life as an immigrant, and how she has changed along with the world. She also tells me about her passions, her goals, and her hopes for the future.

Interview with my Brazilian mother

We talked a lot about her life, some questions were about me but mostly it was her life. We were joined by my youngest brother halfway through

Stop Iran

“I would see stop signs and below the word stop it would say Iran”. On 1/6/19, in Los Angeles, Ani Adell interviewed her mom, Megan Adell, about her leaving her home in Iran and coming to America, and how being...