Megan McCormick and her mother Jennifer McCormick discuss growing up, family traditions, and developing one’s identity.

In this interview, conducted in November 2017 in Gallatin, Tennessee, Megan McCormick (17) interviews her mother Jennifer McCormick (44) about what life was like for her growing up in the 70s as a part of a family with traditions that...

Carol Freeman Interview

Talked about her experiences during WW2 and childhood memories.

Listen as Jack DeVries shares his experience as a young boy living in Indonesia (then Java) as World War II raged and his world changed.

Imagine being a ten-year-old boy, the youngest of four children from Holland, your mother and father representing the Dutch colonial government in Java (now Indonesia). Japan attacks Pearl Harbor then occupies the Dutch East Indies. Your family’s comfortable conditions are...

My grandma on the wars

We discussed everything from WW2 to the Vietnam and Korean wars

Trudy Lovell Holocaust Interview

Trudy Lovell, 98 years old, talked about her experience during the Holocaust and her time spent at a concentration camp and her life after that.

Grandpa Doman

I asked him about what is childhood was like and about the army. He also told me about some of him getting hurt when he was a kid and having to work at a butcher shop at the age of...

Mary Catherine Harrison Wallace 2016

On Tuesday, December 27, 2016, Sheri Lynn Bergeron interviewed her aunt, Mary Catherine Harrison Wallace. Sheri’s daughters, Olivia and Christina along with Christina’s husband, Anthony, were also in attendance. Aunt Cat spoke of her childhood in the south, the story...

Morals behind the Memories

“The Germans shot my father, shot my sister, she was twelve years old.” On November 28, 2019 in Studio City, California, Andrew Yotnegparian sat down with his grandfather, Maurice Yotnegparian, to learn about the struggles he faced in his life...

The History of Anna Frisby

Her life as a child had many opportunities to see the world through different cultures. Her adult life was carved out of need to climb out of debt. She never finished college but worked my way up the corporate ladder...