Grandmas Story

My 86 year old grandma was adopted when she was an infant, and she never knew her real family. This is my sister tell you how we found them

My Grandm’s Talkin

I'm the grand and great-grandson of Mary L Moore and MaryAnn Graham.They are the reason why im the person who I am today.

My Grandfather

Me and my Grandfather talked about what life was like in his life( before I was born).

Kadin Kristjansson and her mother, Lori Kristjansson, talk about family heritage and growing up.

This is an interview of Lori Kristjansson (50), conducted November 2016 in St. Louis, MO by her daughter, Kadin Kristjansson (14). From minutes 0-20, Mrs. Kristjansson shares details of her childhood spent all over the western United States and describes...


My mom and I just have a sweet talk about her life. She gives me some insight and talks about the paths in her life that lead her to where she is now. Learned a lot of new things about...

Fred & Phyllis Herschelman: An interview with my wife's grandparents. Giving the gift of cherished memories for her birthday.

Joe sits down with Fred & Phyllis Herschelman. Fred served our country in the U.S. airforce for various wars. Phyllis is the loving matriarch of a loving family in Central, Illinois.

Intentionally Interviewing

Interviewing my mom, Jennifer Poppe in our living room on December 14, 2018. As I asked questions my mom and I were so intrigued in the whole conversation. There was moments where my mom couldn’t stop talking but explained everything...

Rea’zen Chatman interviews her mother (Ebony Freeman) and her cousin (Kimberly Freeman) about their childhoods.

In this interview, created on January 8, 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri, Rea’zen Chatman (16) interviews her mother, Ebony Freeman (38) and her cousin, Kimberly Freeman (38) about their childhood, grandparents, and challenges. They both talk about their grandmother and...