The Story Of Alaina Braxton

On January 4th 2023, Luci Greisman (15) interviewed her grandmother, Alaina Braxton (68). Alaina Braxton was born in 1956 and during this interview, Alaina Braxton shared her love of travel, talked about immigrating to the United States from Ireland, and...

thanksgiving interview

i talked about her life and childhood and how things affected her etc. She was really great about keeping eye contact. She was able to answer most of the question.

New beginnings

My mom, Maria Loyola (40) gives me a run down of how her life was like in Mexico and the adversities she faces in the United States.

Nana’s World View

Susan Herbin And her 18 year old Granddaughter, Alexis Smith do a interview into the world view and life of Alexis’s Grandmothers life.

Questions to Mom

We talked about favorite memories and childhood stories. We concluded with how she would like to be remembered.

Grandma Interview

Nicole Overton (16) interviews Jackie Overton (72) who currently lives in Rocklin, California. She asks her about her life growing up in Louisiana during the late1950s and early 1960s, her fondest memories from her teenage, child, and adult years, and...

I love my life

A daughter interviews her Dad about his childhood, debating politics with his dad, when he became a hippy, hitchiking through Europe, discovering the rennaissance faire, and how he met my mom.

The Story of Hilmar de Moraes Part 2

Hear the story of Hilmar de Moraes, from childhood stories to achieving his job. Listen to his viewpoints and his wisdom. Pay close attention to his knowledge on the society and how to self-educate. Escute a história de Hilmar de...

England to America

This is of the story of my Dad and his travels from England to America and also what America was like for him.

Dylan Engels discusses with his grandma, Sharon Cutcliffe, her adult and childhood traits.

In this interview taking place on November 24th, 2017 in Menlo Park, California, Dylan Engels interviewed his grandma about many things about her life. Sharon Cutcliffe (grandma) shares thoughts and stories that took place in her hometown and even where...

11/26/18 – Interview with Dad

There was the mention of the importance of education, life lessons, professional satisfaction and growth, stories of moving between countries (and the courage in doing so), retold WWII anecdotes, globalization, and some dating advice.

Lucky to be a blue.

A conversation with my wonderful "Nanny B" (grandmother) about her relationship with my granddad, Jerry Blue. Silly memories and meaningful life lessons from very wise woman that took place on a lovely Friday afternoon. We discuss the impact of growing...

My mom’s childhood

My mom and I reviewed her childhood experiences.

A Glance Down Memory Lane

This year for Thanksgiving, some of our family came down from Indiana. I didn't know them that well, so I decided that I wanted to interview them and get to know them more by learning about their childhood.

great thanksgiving listen

Ashley (my sister) and I mostly talked about what we’ve gone through together and how much we need each other in life. I added a few extra questions of my own in the end, because i felt like the recommended...