A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – April of Mission, Texas

"I believe everyone should have their choice." - April Vallejo shares her experience as a young mother who believes every woman should have the right to choose. April attended the local Women's March in Brownsville, Texas with her daughter on...

Cyra Sanborn Dumitru and Daniel A. Dumitru

Mother and child Cyra Sanborn Dumitru (64) and Daniel A. Dumitru (29) discuss Daniel's conception via in vitro fertilization, Cyra's pregnancy, and what inspired Cyra to become a parent. They also discuss how Cyra's relationships changed with her loved ones...

Crystal Sandoval and Gabby Munoz

Las amigas Crystal Sandoval (35) y Gabby Munoz (36) hablan de cómo se conocieron, sus vidas en la frontera, su trabajo de brindar servicios legales a inmigrantes y refugiados, y su amistad. [Friends Crystal Sandoval (35) and Gabby Munoz (36)...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Annette of Mission, Texas

"We have to continue to fight to have these rights. That was when I was 15 or 16 when I realized that." - Annette of Mission, Texas talks about her experience with equal rights in the computer science industry. Annette...

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Victoria of Alamo, Texas

A Woman's Right: The Story It Tells – Victoria of Alamo, Texas speaks frankly about her experiences post-2016 election, her feelings regarding gender roles, and women's rights. Victoria talks about how her Mother and Aunts are all business owners in...