Living History Project

We talked about growing up in the South during the 50s and 60s. We also talked about the Kennedy family.

Gabriele Azhar and Alia Azhar

Alia Azhar (42) shares a conversation with her mother, Gabriele "Gaby" Azhar (75), about how Gabriele first came to the United States, what her life was like growing up in Florida then Georgia, about her family, and about meeting her...

Jane Moore and Kristine Anderson

One Small Step conversation partners Kristine Anderson (73) and Jane Moore (55) discuss their jobs as teacher and NICU nurse respectively, how they have loved ones who differ with them greatly on politics, and what it means to live in...

Dave Schoen talks to Yasmin Misra about his childhood and his experiences later on in life as an educator

On November 21, 2018 in Dallas, Texas, Yasmin Misra (16) and Dave Schoen (74), family friends, discuss Mr. Schoen's childhood and Norwegian upbringing in rural Wisconsin. Mr. Schoen also talks about teaching as a university professor in Indiana and how...

Cathie Hancock and Brenda Ford

Cathie Marie Hancock (63) tells her conversation partner Brenda Ford (52) about her experience of motherhood and her family.

"In spite of many bumps along the road, I feel blessed in many ways."

My Poppie, who grew up in the South, recalls events from his childhood, like memories of his suburban neighborhood, his grandfather’s farm, and the assassinations of Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Later, he summarizes his college years, how he...