Lucretia Cushman Peterson

Lucretia talks about growing up in Kansas, her family, and the importance of loving and accepting others regardless of race or religion.

Esther Kim and Charles Kelly

Esther Kim (38) talks with her stepfather, Charles Kelly (84) about his childhood during World War II, the influence of art, and his unlikely merging with a Korean family -- which has helped him experience the "School of Love".

Jackson on the B-Line

Jackson Kilby Jr. was observing local art on the B-line. Graffiti artists were tagging the building that lines the trail. Jackson was there when we did the unboxing of the sound equipment for the recording project, so it was fun...

Barbi Fisher with Joseph William Eyles

Barbi Fisher discusses: her experiences growing up in Albany, GA and attending Dougherty County schools; her 31 years as a classroom teacher in three Dougherty County high schools; and her current work preparing teachers for the classroom.

Jack Pinnas

Jack Pinnas (81) talks with his grandson, Harrison Friedman (22), about his experience in Guatemala as a part of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, and how he almost had his head chopped off while delivering malaria vaccines.

Neighbors remembering the life of America's greatest monumental sculptor

This is an interview with residents of Middletown residents about another local resident who was one of Americas most prolific sculptors.

After Shelter with Zach Wirsum and Patricia Carson

Zach Wirsum and Patricia Carson talks with Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis Visitor Services Associate Courtney Paolicchi about quarantine and the hope of art while standing inside the art installation "SHELTER" by Derek Fordjour.

The Hurricane Branch Library and its Anime Fannatiku Club provided a safe and supportive place for Cynthia Hawk

Recording September 24, 2017 – Cynthia Hawk discovered an anime club at the Hurricane Branch Library in Hurricane, Utah during her elementary years. It was created by WCLS employees Natalie Daniel and Sarah Hall, called Anime Fannatiku and Manga Club....