Shawn Sorbom and Mary Sloper

Mary Sloper (78) talks to Shawn Sorbom (28) about going to boarding school at age 5 in Imperial Valley, Californiia, her Croatian mother, and her career as a nurse.

Lucas Miller and Patrick Miller

Patrick Miller (56) provides some insights on how different the family norms were when he was a child.


Aruna Patil (68) talks with her son, Akshay (39) about her parents, growing up in various cities (Mumbai, New Delhi, Wellington) in India, and attending medical school.

Scott Beauchamp looks back on his life

Scott Beauchamp (53) talks with his daughter, Jenna Beauchamp (15) about his life growing up, which includes his best and worst memories. Also, he talks about what his goals were for his life, and whether or not he had any...

Shawna Brown and Johana Gourdin

Friends Shawna Brown (34) and Johana Gourdin (26) share a conversation about Black joy and pleasure, queer space, transphobia, restorative justice, community resilience, and accountability. They also talk about the importance of music and movement, how their lives are different...

Harriet Reisen and Tony Kahn

Husband and wife Tony Kahn (78) and Harriet Reisen (78) talk about Tony's experience growing up as the son of a blacklisted Hollywood screenwriter. Tony reflects on how he has experienced the feelings of belonging and home throughout his life.

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...