Claire McCoy and George Black

Claire McCoy (58) sits down with her father, George Black (86), to ask him about his experiences as an actor and his career as a professor in the theater departments of various universities.

Interview between Julie Barefoot and Jason Barefoot

Jason Barefoot speaks with his mother about their most fond memories of Decatur, what makes someone or something "quintessentially Decatur" and, how Decatur has informed their life experiences.

Fred Jones and Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt (41) sits down with her father, Fred Jones (79), to ask him about his young adult years. Fred shares stories from his time studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from his time serving in the U.S....

Rob St. Clair and Stephen Scott

Rob St. Clair (73) sits down with his friend and fellow writer, Stephen "Steve" Scott (79), to ask about the multitude of adventures Stephen has undertaken throughout his life. They discuss everything from baking biscuits to serving in the U.S....

Ralph’s Chipmunk and the Stupid Green Dress

In this interview, Katheryn Baldwin is asked by her daughter, Lily, to tell her a story about the dumbest thing Katheryn ever did. Tracing around a barely visible scar on her hand, Katheryn describes chasing after her cat Ralph, a...

Mom Part 1 (sibling #15)

For my first interview I spoke with my mom primarily about how she is keeping herself busy during the quarantine. She also talked extensively about the impact of God in times like these.

Aishwarya Warrier and Divya Malyala

Best friends Aishwarya Warrier (31) and Divya Malyala (29), who immigrated from India, are celebrating Aishwarya's 10th year as a resident of the US. They look back on their journey of new experiences and look forward to new adventures.

Ann Whitley-Singleton and Sarah Adams

Interview with Ann Whitley-Singleton, long-time(and recently-retired)curriculum director of Georgia Pick & Bow Traditional Music School, director of the annual Blue Ridge Old-Time Music Week at Mars Hill University, and many other musical communities. Interviewed by Sarah Adams on August 28,...

Sarrah Ellen McDonald and Sarah Adams

Interview with Sarrah Ellen McDonald on how she began singing and playing music, her involvement in helping found Georgia Pick & Bow Traditional Appalachian Music School, and other aspects of music in Dahlonega. Interviewed by Sarah Adams on April 5,...

“I’m not so much proud of myself. I’m proud of my children.”

Isaac David, an 8th grader at Franklin County Middle School, interviews his mother Patti David (maiden name Conway) about her life. They talk about her childhood, her career, and her love of her children.

Sunni Wong and Justin Cummins

Sunny Wong (40) and Justin (32) discuss their backgrounds, families, jobs, and living situations. Sunny recently moved from Hong Kong to New York, where he works in archives, while Justin lives in Atlanta with his wife, daughter, and foster dogs.

Mom Part 2 (sibling #15)

My mom and I caught up again over the phone. Just as southern states are beginning to reopen the virus is reaching our family like never before but my mom believes that her faith and military experience will carry her...